Groepsdynamieken en archetypen | Archetypes in group dynamics
Ziekmakend perfectionisme | How perfectionism makes us ill
Langdurige mentale klachten | Longlasting mental complaints
Overleven | Survival psychology
De verleidelijkheid van redden | The Appeal of Rescuing Other People
A Neuroscientist's guide to reclaim your brain
What to do if your inner voice is cruel?
Toxic Self-Talk (Ethan Kross)
Negatieve gedachtepatronen doorbreken om vreugde te vinden / Overcoming Negative Thought Patterns to find Joy
Pleasers opgelet! | On Feeling Oblidged
Understand these 4 key concepts for a happier life
A Guide For the Recovering Avoidant
Managing your mood: Tips for Staying Present
A Question to Ask Ourselves When We Are Low and Paranoid
The real reason why we work so hard
When and Why do we Pick Up our Phones?
Eenzaamheid | Loneliness
Hoe kom je uit niet meer helpende patronen los?
Wat helpt je (een beetje meer) begrip te hebben voor jezelf
Ben ik raar? | Is Everyone Else Normal? Feeling Painfully Different
Het risico van gevoelens onderdrukken | How repressed emotions make us sick
Geef geluk maar op | Toxic Happiness
Waarom je jezelf niet aardig vindt | Why inloved people hate themselves
Master your anxiety. Unleash your genius | Jesse Eisenberg
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Evening
The science behind ‘us vs. them’
Rivalry: how to beat a basic instinct
9 tactics to build a stronger mind
Addiction as an Attachment Disorder
Narcissistic wounding
How emotions work
Shame | Schaamte
Your brain functions explained
How to be happy?
Richt relationship with our mental condition
The Script You're Following Is Not Your Own
The secret habits that control your life
Dopamine: the hidden driver of mental health
How to process Emotions?
Snel geprikkeld? / How to stop getting triggered
Maslov and wat belangrijk is in het leven/ Malovs pyramid
Zeg wat je nodig hebt / Why we need to say what we need
Complex PTSD
Overdracht / Transference
Aan je huid plukken en nagelbijten / Skin picking
Are high achievers happier?
Old habbits die slowly
This video shows us something funny and also interesting and relevant: how hard it is to change the wiring of the brain once something has been integrated....
Burnout and PTSS
Verschil tussen depressie en burn out/Difference between depression and burn out
How to turn stress into an advantage?
Make stress your friend
Brein en stress/ Brain and stress
Wil je meer weten over hoe je innerlijke systeem?
Deze video laat Deb Dana uitleggen hoe ons zenuwstelsel ons beinvloed en wat we nodig hebben om uit de 'alert', 'angst' en gestresste stand te komen.